In accordance with last week's keynote, Apple users have some downloading to do: iOS 5, iTunes 10.5, and Mac OS X 10.7.2 have all been released. These updates collectively enable Apple's new iCloud service, which will eventually replace the older MobileMe service and provide syncing and backups for users' documents, pictures, and other data.

iOS 5, which supports the iPhone 3GS, 4, and 4S, all iPads, the third and fourth-gen iPod Touches, and the Apple TV 2, enables a number of other new features: a new notifications system and the Notifications Center, the iMessage protocol, wi-fi syncing, and over-the-air OS updates. You can download the update to your devices after downloading iTunes 10.5. Expect our full, in-depth review of the new OS soon.

Mac OS X 10.7.2 doesn't bring major new features to the OS, but it does apply a range of security and reliability patches to the operating system which should help with some of the teething issues most new OS X releases have. Release notes for the update haven't yet been published, but we'll update the article to link to them when they're live.

Along with these updates, Apple has also published a Lion Recovery update, which updates Lion users' recovery partitions to work better with the new Find My Mac feature.

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  • InsaneScientist - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    That's correct. As long as you don't install anything that modifies the SpringBoard (specifically, anything that uses MobileSubstrate, if I recall correctly), you should still be able to boot it up and get to the SpringBoard, you just won't be able to access any of the jailbroken apps.

    If you DO install something that hooks into the SpringBoard, it won't start without you connecting to a computer and re-running the jailbreak, so the phone (or iPod) will boot (the kernel will load), but it won't load the shell (the springboard), so you're pretty much stuck...
  • BSMonitor - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    Took 8 hours to download. But my iOS 4.3.5 is now iOS 5.0.0
  • Arsynic - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

  • pukemon - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    Only the iPhone 4S has Siri...
  • Azsen - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    Anyone done/seen any benchmarks for running iOS5 on the 3GS?

    It's not a repeat of the iOS 4 on the 3G where they experienced major slowdowns is it?
  • InsaneScientist - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    There are benches of the 3GS with iOS5 in the iPhone 4s preliminary benchmarks:

    From the benches, it looks like everything has pretty much stayed the same or gone up, and the word of mouth feedback that I've been getting (from a LOT of people) is that it's about the same speed as iOS4.
    And the new notification system (well, not new... they copied Android, but if it works...) is easily worth it all by itself.

    The issue with the move to iOS4 for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G owners was that the CPU in those devices was an ARM6 processor, while the iPhone 3GS/4 (and now 4S) and the iPod Touch 3/4 have ARM7 CPUs. So iOS 4 was really designed for the newer CPU instruction set and wasn't optimized very well for the older one.
    iOS5 is only for ARM7 CPUs, so they only need one OS, rather than having to keep a separate one for the old devices, so it shouldn't (and so far looks like it doesn't) suffer from the same problems. :)
  • Azsen - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link

    Ok good explanation thanks. I can see some benchmarks for 3GS on iOS 5 but there's no comparison in the bar graph with the 3GS running on iOS 4.3.5. I guess that's what I would've liked to see.
  • choirbass - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link

    It looks like the most reasonable thing to do then is compare current results, to results from an older article that has the desired OS (or the closest to it)
  • teleworm12 - Monday, October 29, 2018 - link

    I have an issue when I used the SanDisk SD card on my iPhone but my iTunes account does not synchronize the SD card and it shows an error 4013 that is a very critical problem for me. If anyone has any idea of this problem then please suggest me with this.

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